A collection of my favorite quotes

"You can find beauty in everything" (that you're working on) - Eric Bowman, Zalando SE

"I believe in myself so much that nothing is going to stop me." - Connor McGregor

"I visualize things that are going to happen and then they are going to happen." - Connor McGregor

"Excellence is not a skill, excellence is an attitude." - Connor McGregor

"Erfolgreiche Menschen, sind Menschen die Entscheidungen treffen und diese mit allen Konsequenzen durchziehen." - Kolja Barghoorn, AktienMitKopf

"Fresse halten und arbeiten." - Kolja Barghoorn, AktienMitKopf

"Every man has two lifes, the second starts when he realizes he just has one." - Naval/Konfuzius

"There is no such thing as good debt." - The Minimalists

"Only death gives life a meaning." - Steve Jobs

"We're all in a hurry to go nowhere." - Somebody on Youtube having cancer.

"Good intentions never work, you need good mechanisms to make anything happen." - Jeff Bezos