Harald Balder’s tips for becoming self employed

Update 08-06-2022: It looks like the video has been taken offline. However, the notes are still valid and I am happy that I wrote them down.

I’ve recently watched an interesting video by Harald Baldr on how to become self employed and what his tips are regarding this topic.

Below you can find his tips compiled in a list

  1. Don’t worry about being number one
    1. You don’t necessarily need to be the very best. You can run a sustainable business just by being good.
  2. Make a service, not a product
    1. Sell your knowledge and experience
    2. Examples could be consultation, coaching etc.
  3. Stop thinking and start doing
  4. When a problem arises, you will solve it
  5. Get your first paying customers as early as possible (related: https://levels.io/idea-validation/)
    1. It tells you that there is actually a market (demand)
    2. He did his initial validation with Patreon even with just a few subscribers he could run his channel sustainable
  6. Know when to quit a venture